Parent Page: Offices id: 31325 Active Page: iRISid:32981

iRIS: Electronic Submission System

This page will provide you with information about accessing iRIS, getting an iRIS account, and iRIS training/help guides

iRIS is an electronic submission system utilized by the OU research community to submit human participant research protocols and all subsequent IRB submissions online. Researchers also submit One-Time Emergency Use Reports, Determination of Human Research Worksheets, Research Privacy Form 6 (PHI Preparatory to Research), and Form 7 (Decedent's PHI), and Relying on an External IRB applications in iRIS.   

iRIS is beneficial as it enables online tracking, review, post-approval compliance activities and data management. iRIS also functions as a document repository, providing users with easy access to study records, IRB outcome letters and correspondences, and study documents. You can use iRIS anywhere you have internet access. 

Accessing iRIS

The current version of iRIS is compatible with all browsers. Turn off the web browser's pop-up blocker for iRIS. 

Only users with an active OU or OUHSC IT account can log into iRIS. 

To login, enter your OU 4x4 or OUHSC userID in all lowercase letters. Passwords remain case sensitive.
Please note that the following characters in your password are not accepted in iRIS: <  >  [  ]  {  }  ;  :  '  "
If your password contains any of these characters, please visit the OU IT Password Management page to change your password. 

See 'Getting an iRIS Account' below for more information if you cannot log into iRIS or cannot find someone in the user directory when adding key study personnel. 


Getting an iRIS Account

Individuals affiliated with OU-Norman and/or OUHSC

OU-Norman based personnel who need an iRIS account: contact the OU-Norman IRB to request an account via email to

All individuals who have an OU or OUHSC IT account (e.g., user credentials and permissions to log into other OU programs and software) can access iRIS. 

Individuals should enter their OU-Norman 4x4 or OUHSC username in a lowercase letters while passwords are case sensitive. 

Accounts are not automatically added to iRIS. If you are unable to log into iRIS, or if a study team needs to add you to iRIS but cannot locate you in the user directory, you must contact the IRB Office to request an iRIS account.

Requesting addition or activation of iRIS accounts for OUHSC Personnel

Provide the following OUHSC information in an email to
Third party emails (ex: Gmail, Yahoo) and OU Health emails and usernames are not accepted.

  • Full name (first, last, middle initial) of person(s) to be added 
  • OUHSC Username(s) / User ID(s)
  • OUHSC Email Address
  • OUHSC Department Name
  • Indicate if the individual is returning and/or if their title/role has changed (ex: previously student now resident; resident now fellow or faculty) 

Individuals affiliated with the VA only

Some researchers have dual appointments at OUHSC and the VA. This section does not apply those with dual appointments - refer to the previous section for individuals with an OU affiliation. 

Individuals who only have an appointment at the VA: 

  • The IRB Office will sponsor accounts for VA personnel who need access to iRIS or who need to be listed as key study personnel.  
  • Individuals who need an account must fill out the Computer Account Request Form and submit it to from their VA email address. 
    • Personal or 3rd party emails are not accepted. 
    • Individuals must submit the form for themselves; a representative or employee may not submit requests on another person's behalf.  
  • HRPP staff will process the form and notify you when an account has been created. 
    • Note: we will associate your VA email address with your account in iRIS so that you may receive system notifications to your primary (VA) email address. 

Access Expires After One Year: Affiliate accounts, which are the type of accounts issued for VA employees and personnel, generally expires with IT after one year. If you need to continue working in iRIS beyond the expiration date, you must submit a new Computer Account Request Form to renew your account. Otherwise, the account will expire and you will not be able to log into iRIS. 

Individuals affiliated with OU Health

This section does not apply to individuals who have dual appointments at OU Health and OUHSC. 

The HRPP/IRB will NOT sponsor accounts for OU Health employees who are collaborating with an OUHSC PI or whose supervisor is affiliated with OUHSC. 

OUHSC-affiliated supervisors and PIs must sponsor OU accounts for OUH personnel. Contact OUHSC IT Help Desk for instructions on how to submit affiliate account requests at 405-271-2203.

If iRIS access is NOT required, PIs and study teams may list OU Health employees on IRB applications as described in the "does not need access" part of this section. 

When OU Health employees are not working with an OUHSC PI, or their supervisor IS NOT affiliated with OUHSC, the HRPP/IRB will sponsor select accounts as indicated below. 

  • OU Health employee must access iRIS (to serve as PI or to serve as regulatory or coordinating personnel who will be responsible for IRB submissions):
    • The HRPP/IRB will only sponsor accounts for OU Health PIs and OU Health personnel when neither the supervisor or PI have an OUHSC appointment or affiliation. 
      • Individuals who need an account must fill out a Computer Account Request Form and submit it to from their OU Health email address. 
        • Personal or 3rd party emails will not be accepted. 
        • Individuals must submit the form for themselves; a representative or employee cannot submit Computer Account Requests on behalf of another individual. 
    • IMPORTANT: To assist with triage and review, the email you send to the IRB must also provide explanation or reason for needing access to iRIS access. 
    • HRPP staff will process the form and notify you when an account has been created.
      • Note: we will associate your OU Health email address with your account in iRIS so that you may receive system notifications to your primary (OU Health) email address.
    • Access Expires After One Year: Affiliate accounts, which are the type of accounts issued for OU Health employees and personnel, generally expires with IT after one year. If you need to continue working in iRIS beyond the expiration date, you must submit a new Computer Account Request Form to renew your account. Otherwise, the account will expire and you will not be able to log into iRIS. 

  • OU Health employee DOES NOT need access or the ability to log into iRIS, but needs to be listed as KSP on an application.
    • OU/OUHSC IT Accounts will no longer be sponsored or issued for these individuals. 
    • How do you list these individuals as KSP on the application without an iRIS account? 
      • We have modified our Non-OU Collaborator section to include OU Health employees. 
      • Answer 'yes' to Question 5.4 in Section 100 of your IRB application. 
      • Save and continue to next section. 
      • If not previously included, this will add Section 150 (Section 6.0) to your application. 
      • Manually type in the OU Health employee's name, OU Health as the institution, and other contact information and study responsibilities. 
      • Save and continue to next section. 
      • IMPORTANT: If Section 150 is brand new, this shifted all of your sections down to make room. You MUST save and continue to the end of your application to regenerate your previous work and sections. Otherwise, you will not be able to submit the revised application to the IRB. 
Please stay tuned to the HRPP/IRB website and iRIS for updates concerning changes to this procedure for OU Health employees. 

Non-OU Collaborators and Personnel

Individuals who are affiliated with an outside institution will not be given an OU/OUHSC IT account and will not be given access to iRIS.

Rare exceptions will be made in the event OU agrees to serve as the IRB of record for a study conducted outside our current scope of authority, and the lead, non-OU PI needs an account for the study to be created and submitted in iRIS. 

For all other multi-site studies involving non-OU sites, no accounts or access will be given to local site PIs. Only the OUHSC PI and study team will have access to iRIS and they will hold responsibility for submitting to the OUHSC IRB on behalf of non-OU sites. 

To list Non-OU Collaborators on your IRB application, follow the steps below:

  1. Section 100 (5.0), Question 5.4: Answer 'yes' to the non-OU collaborator question. 
  2. Save and continue to next section.
  3. Section 150 (6.0): Add a row for each person and manually type in the name, contact information, and study-related responsibilities. 
  4. Save and continue to next section - and repeat through the rest of the form, making sure to answer all required and applicable questions. 
  5. For non-OU collaborators who are engaged in research, be sure to obtain and submit a copy of their completed human subject protection training. More information about training requirements can be found here

iRIS Training and iRIS Help Guides

The IRB offers one-on-one and group presentations from basic iRIS demonstrations to new user training to assist with onboarding staff. 


A series of "Train-the-Trainer" documents and help guides are also available for reference and self-training. These documents are available in the Help section of iRIS. 

  • NEW! These help guides are now available on this website! Click the button below. 
    Login with OU/OUHSC username and password is required to access these materials.