Parent Page: Offices id: 31281 Active Page: Question 12id:33030

Will You Conduct Research in Another Country?

You must provide some form of documentation of research project approval by either 1) an IRB with a foreign FWA (Federalwide Assurance), 2) a local review body equivalent to an IRB, or 3) an independent local community expert or leader (e.g., NGO director, university professor), in this order. This review should demonstrate that the research project has been reviewed for conformance with local human research protections and research conduct standards for this international research site. You must also describe the qualifications of the local review body or expert (  e.g., source and scope of authority, location, membership).

What steps will you take during this process?

  1. Log into iRIS:
  2. Start your new Study Application as described on the How to Submit a Full Study Application page.
  3. In Section 150 - Research Design of the application, answer ‘Yes’ that your study involves research conducted outside of the US. Answer all questions that are presented in Section 170 - International Research.
  4. Complete the online application and upload the appropriate documents as described on the How to Submit a Full Study Application page.
  5. Upload the Translator Statement, cultural review documentation, and translated documents [such as a recruitment script, data collection instruments, and/or consent documents (as applicable)] with your other study materials.

Do you need to complete CITI Training?

Yes. You, your faculty sponsor (if applicable), and anyone listed as key study personnel in section 3.0 of the application must complete CITI training. You may still submit your study application documents before training is complete, but you must complete the training before the study can be approved. Click here for a link to the website:

What else do you need to submit with your application?

  1. All translated study documents described above.
  2. Signed Translator Statement and cultural review documentation described above.
  3. Complete the online application and upload the appropriate documents as described on the How to Submit a Full Study Application page.