Published: Monday, March 20, 2017
We have upgraded iRIS to the newest version. Some of the changes are noted below:
- Your Home screen will now contain buttons for actions related to your studies. For example, the "Add a New Study" and "My Studies" buttons are now immediately available on the Home screen.
- The process for responding to stipulations has changed slightly. Please see the "How To" page for guidance on this process.
- We have created a new application that is specific to Norman Campus researchers. It contains all of the Protocol Description form questions; therefore, that form will no longer be required as an uploaded document. Please see the "How To" page for guidance on submitting this new version of the form.
- You will now have the ability to hide documents no longer in use. Open your study, click on either the Informed Consent or Other Study Documents link in the top left. Click the Hide button (far right) next to the documents you wish to hide. There is a button at the top of the screen to allow you to still see any hidden documents.
We have also uploaded new consent form templates. These are condensed versions of our existing templates. They contain only the bare essential information and no longer have a lot of the conversational elements found in the full versions of the templates. These are optional to use; you still have the opportunity to use the full versions, if you would prefer. Please see the Application Forms page for more information.