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Whats New

Revised SOPs, Updated Compliance Statement Published

Published: Monday, January 6, 2020

The IRB Compliance Statement has been revised to include the updated HSC address and website address.

Ten SOPs have been revised and published, effective 1/6/2020, along with an updated combined, searchable PDF:

- 104: COI for Investigators

- 201: Composition of IRB 

- 202: Management of IRB 

- 405: Modifications

- 501: Special Populations 

- 502A: Clinical Research Involving Drugs 

- 502G: Emergency Use 

- 602J: Use of sIRB in Multicenter Research 

- 701: Consent Process & Documentation 

- 1002: Privacy & Confidentiality


The compliance statement and all SOPs are available on the Policies and Procedures page. 

Please contact your campus-appropriate HRPP Office if you have questions or would like more information. 

Thank you.