Parent Page: Offices id: 33306 Active Page: Employeesid:33820


Employees are responsible for workplace safety, including items such as:

  • Attending all safety training sessions as required by this program, individual compliance programs, or your supervisor, or personally completing all self-study safety training programs
  • Ensuring that you have received all instructions on how to perform a job properly and safely and have been authorized to perform that job before undertaking it
  • Performing job duties in accordance with safety precautions communicated to you during training sessions and other educational programs, including wearing PPE (These safety precautions include reading the chemical label to obtain information about the chemical’s hazard, obtaining and reading an SDS if additional information is needed, and taking appropriate precautions PRIOR to working with the chemical. If additional information is desired, you are expected to ask your supervisor for additional assistance PRIOR to working with the chemical.)
  • Reporting any unsafe condition to your supervisor immediately
  • Notifying your supervisor immediately in the event of any occupational illness, injury, chemical exposure, or accident